» Support » Downloads » Release Builds (64 bit)
InspectionWare Release Build: Version 12.381.0 (64 bit)

Latest Release Notes

New Features:

(1) IWPropertyDesc.OptionalAttributes added


This document contains a downloadable Windows installer for InspectionWare as well as the release notes covering the current version.

Software requirements

  • OS supported: Windows 7 and up. InspectionWare 12 is made available as a 64-bit application. 32-bit builds are only made occasionally.
    Note: Latest version of Windows updates is required.
  • InspectionWare requires .NET framework version 4.8 or later installed on your system. If you do not have the proper version of .NET framework, click here to download and install it.
  • The optional neural network tools require the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. You can click on the following links to download each version: x86 Redistributable, x64 Redistributable.

Hardware requirements
  • CPU supporting the AVX2 instruction set. This includes 2013 or later Intel processors and 2015 or later AMD processors. Click here for a list of supported CPUs,
  • Optional GPU processing requires a graphics card that supports DirectX 11 or later.

Additional resources

After downloading the installation files you may also want to review/download the following resources:
Download and Installation Instructions
  1. Right-click on the file name in the "Downloads" section below and choose "Save Target As" or "Save..." to download the file to your computer.
  2. Locate the file you have just downloaded then run it to initiate the install process.

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The following file links will become active once the required information is submitted:
InstallInspectionWare64 12.381.0.exe (110.6 MB)
Release Notes.txt (76.6 kB)
Document Reference
NDE Software
Product Version/Model
Document Number
02/28/2025 Rev: 1.0
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