The following drivers are provided as a courtesy to UTEX Scientific Instruments customers, and are therefore offered on an "as is" basis. UTEX does not maintain or support these drivers. If you are unsure of what driver to use, please consult the hardware manufacturer directly, or contact UTEX for further guidance.
For the simplest installation, this driver package should be installed on the computer before installing the hardware.
Supported Acquisition Logic cards:
Installation Instructions:
Right-click on both of the ZIP files above and choose "save target as" or "save..." to download the file to you computer.
Install RapidDAQ Hardware Driver
- UnZIP the file Hardware RapiDAQ Driver. A recommended location is: C:\Program Files\NDT Solutions
- Install card(s), and turn on the computer. When Plug and Play detects the card(s), allow the computer to automatically (choose the recommended setting) install the driver.
- If asked to locate the driver, browse to the location where you have unzipped the driver package, and select the file RapiDAQ.inf to complete the installation.
- You may need to restart your computer to complete the installation before you can access the cards via the acquisition software.
Install RapidDAQ files for InspectionWare Data Acquisition
- UnZIP IW RapiDAQ-PRX Drivers and copy the contained files to C:\InspectionWare\Bin
- You should now be able to access the cards via the InspectionWare acquisition software.
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