Wide Dynamic Range Acquisition for Ultrasonic Signals
This paper describes our progress in the development of a novel technique of dynamic range expansion we call DRE. The resulting algorithms provide 16 effective bits and a spurious-free

dynamic range of 96dB for most RF digitizers, even those collecting at 5GS/sec or higher. The recorded signals are linear and require no log amplifiers. Log amplifiers may provide acceptable dynamic range yet they introduce undesirable distortion and a significant loss of amplitude resolution.

Wide dynamic range collection has always been desirable but elusive. Without DRE, large signals such as interface echoes become saturated when gain is increased in order to view smaller echoes. The result is a loss in near surface resolution and severe distortion of the interface echoes. Gain constantly needs to be adjusted based on what you want to measure.

In this paper you will learn: About a new technique called DRE and how it digitizes signals with a very wide dynamic range (WDR). Dynamic Range – what it is, what it is not, how to achieve it, and
how to make best use of it. Also, how wide dynamic range has been obtained in the past on systems that couldn’t do without it.

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Document Number
09/18/2009 Rev: 1.0
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